Core App
Vimeo '19

iOS App Android App
Product Designer
Dan Highbrown

Engineering Manager
Gennadii Ivanov

Vimeo has always been a creator-first platform and a commitment to that has only amplified. The product team has been focused on creating tools that help video creators upload the perfect video.
Vimeo's mobile app has millions of monthly active users, with a healthy representation from Vimeo creators. Up until now, it's been utilized as a viewing app with a light weight uploading flow. With the launch of Vimeo Live and the institutional knowledge of live workflows from Livestream, we identified a hole in our live toolset. Events can happen anytime and anywhere, and users' easiest method of going live is from their phone.
hero image of app
video icon
Going live made simple. Choose to stream to Vimeo, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn and any other destination simultaneously.
camera settings
event list on ipad
dark and light mode
video filters
I met with video production professionals to find out what filter properties were important when filming with a phone's camera. With that information, I worked with GPUImage to create an initial set.
split of live badge and mobile app marketing
In use     •
video example 1
video example 2